![]() 1:1 Doula Companionship"I can't thank you enough for being with me through his birth" | ![]() Perinatal Education"I really appreciate how you deliver the course information" | ![]() Sovereign Community"This community has been such massive support" | ![]() The Perinatal Collab Blog"Thank you for sharing my heartswork!" |
Because Birth Works & It Belongs To Women xx
By Sondra Reher

I consider myself a holistic doula and birthkeeper, offering Doula Companionship, Perinatal Education & Support, and Host of The LifeWorXX Community, an onlines womens space hosted on the Mighty Netwroks platform. Previously, I worked as a nurse in geriatrics (elderly care) and mental health. After years of deconstructing what that registered title actually held, I decided to release it, and step fully into authentically showing up for women. My mind is always creating, and womens work is the ultimate path of creativity, as we women are the ultimate creators ~ of life itself! I am a devoted mother and wife, roles that take the top spots on my priority list, but close contendors are my devotion to self-exploration, which in turn deeply serves the women I support. Read more All About Me below.
Join in Authentic
Community for
Sovereign Women
The LifeWorXX Online Community Fosters a holistic & woman centered, grounded and supportive space for women in their pregnancy, birth, post partum, motherhood and personal life. It connects sovereign women and independent birthworkers, promotes alternative health and healing perspectives, encourgaes open dialogue, and is the ideal place to step into your own authority during the beautiful transition from maiden to mother.
With incredibly affordable pricing, there is something expansive & heartfelt for every sovereign woman!
One of my passions is using my past experience as a nurse to educate women about the realities of participating in the healthcare system during their perinatal journey. Dive into what you Need To Know when entering the healthcare system, whether that's hospital birth or registered midwives
Who Do I Serve?
Women working to harness the power of their intuition, who prefer depth over surface level, who see the value in alignment and inner calm.
Women who are not looking for someone to fix them, who want to discover how to do this for themselves, and are seeking the support of a like minded woman.
Women who seek both the anecdotes of wise women, with generations of wisdom behind them, as well as utilize knowledge from modern evidence based practices.
Women who want to hold the unwavering power to make aligned decisions for themselves, their babies, and their loved ones.
Women who are open minded, eager to grow & enjoy a dive deep into exciting new territory.
Inner intuitive work changes women, it changes families, and changes the children born from these women
This work is manifesting the world we want today, as well as the world for the generations to come
A Warm Welcome
Birth is a pivotal moment in women's and families lives, transcending into a world of parenthood and navigating all that comes with bringing a tiny new human earthside.
I believe that pregnancy and birth is a normal physiological process, that when met with support, confidence, trust and authenticity, with the birthing person at the center of care, can be a journey of growth, magic, enlightenment, healing and immense joy!
I am a wife to an amazing man, and a momma of two wonderful little humans. I have a background of allopathic nursing experience including mental health and elderly care, which became a catalyst in moving towards more harmonic, naturopathic care for my family and I. I have completed a certified holistic doula program through The Matrona, which has set a foundation for further education and expansion. I regularly participate in workshops and seminars, read a wide variety of perinatal and self development books, enjoy educational and uplifting podcasts and seek out up to date information about the birthing and self development realm.
I have found my calling in birth work, supporting women in their personal expansion journeys, and it is my desire to provide holistic, whole person, women centered care and support.
I am so happy you have found your way here, and would be honored to help you transform your perinatal and parenting journey.
Much Love,
Sondra Reher